Alpharetta is a destination of choice for businesses from across the country and around the world.
Through a concentrated and deliberate commitment to technology, Alpharetta has become Georgia’s Connected City and the Technology City of the South. A healthy list of established companies and exciting new ventures now call Alpharetta home, attracted by the City’s proactive partnerships with the private sector, a strong comprehensive plan for future development, and an outstanding quality of life.
The City of Alpharetta’s Economic Development team, “Connected Alpharetta”, actively nurtures expansion and diversification of businesses. The City partners with a unique tech startup incubator called “Tech Alpharetta” as part of its focus on a future based in technological advancement.
These organizations support area businesses:
• The Alpharetta Chamber of Commerce
• And the Alpharetta Business Association.
The Windward Business Center is Alpharetta’s largest office park, which ranges outside the residential community west to just beyond Georgia Highway 400. From the City of Alpharetta’s 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: the City is actively partnering with the Windward Business Center Association to “attract new investment and strengthen employee recruitment. Regional and national selectors are looking for new, highly desirable locations with compelling stories and easy access to data, available property, and quality of life amenities. Currently there is a big demand for having this kind of branding and marketing information readily available for site selectors to access and aid in company decision-making. The model for Windward, the City’s largest office park, can be used for other office parks throughout the City.”
The Alpharetta Department of Economic Development and the Windward Business Center Association, acting on that partnership, are undertaking a new initiative to draw worldwide attention to the extraordinary technological, logistical, and lifestyle advantages that the area now called the Windward Tech District has to offer. Visit the Windward Tech District to learn more!