Windward is a covenants community. What does that mean?

The value of your Windward home depends in part on how you maintain it; it also depends on how well the homes around yours are maintained. Windward Community Services Association, Inc. is a private non-profit corporation led by a board of 7 elected volunteer Directors, supported by over 80 volunteer homeowners and its contracted property management company, Access Management Group. Together, WCSA and AMG uphold community standards and ensure that homeowners can be proud of the community’s common areas and amenities, including its beautiful lake.

The mission of the Windward Community Services Association is to maintain, preserve and enhance the value of the Windward Community.

  • The underlying document of a home owners’ association, apart from state law, is the Declaration of Covenants, also referred to as Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The Declaration is the constitutional law of the association. The Declaration defines the limits and inclusions of ownership and real property usage for the owners and the association. As a legal entity, the association is empowered to pursue certain business needs, such as entering contracts, raising funds, filing liens, and collecting fees.

    Windward’s Declaration of Covenants
    2014 Amendment to Declaration of Covenants

  • While the Declaration forms the constitutional foundation of the association, the Bylaws provide the governing framework, including policies and operating procedures of the association. They address the association's structure, the board, the officers, definition of a quorum, ability to enter into contracts, etc. Bylaws provide reliable guidance regarding conduct of Board business, particularly:

    ▪ Requirements of membership meetings

    ▪ Voting rights of property owners

    ▪ Procedures for electing the Board of Directors

    ▪ Procedures for the Board of Directors to elect officers

    ▪ General powers and duties of the Board.

    Windward’s Bylaws

  • Rules and regulations define restrictions that apply to all homeowners, their guests, visitors, and renters regarding property maintenance, exterior modifications, noise, pets, use of the property or common areas, and fining procedures. Good rules help make good neighbors, serve the interests of the entire association, and protect the common areas. Sub-associations have additional rules and regulations.

    Windward’s Rules and Regulations
    Windward’s Covenants Compliance Process
    Design Standards (Community-Wide and by Neighborhood)

  • The WCSA Board of Directors determines the annual assessment each year after a detailed multi-step analysis of community needs, including maintenance of and upgrades to the community’s common areas.

    The 2025 annual assessment for WCSA is $870 (excludes optional amenities). There are several neighborhoods for which additional sub-association dues apply.

    Invoices are sent out at the end of the calendar year. Fees are due Feb 1. If you are selling your home, pro-rations of the fees are done by the closing attorney.

    There are no special assessments being considered.

Let’s look at the foundation for that mission.

Windward’s Property Manager

The WCSA Board of Directors engages Access Management Group as its professional property management company, to coordinate the day-to-day operations of the community’s business, including:

  • Accounting, bill payment, and collections,

  • Property inspections and covenants enforcement tracking,

  • Processing homeowners’ modifications requests,

  • Executing the Board’s direction regarding repairs, maintenance, and improvements to common areas,

  • Executing the Board’s directions regarding association policies and procedures,

  • Administration of the association’s records,

  • Advising the Board of Directors regarding homeowners’ associations’ best practices,

  • And most importantly, supporting homeowners’ needs on association matters.

Contact Windward’s support team at 770-802-8360 or